Wednesday 15 February 2012

Building a house

Ah look, a use for a blog.

So, I’d like to build a house.

A little house.

Like the sort that might fit on to the area of a decent-sized car bonnet.

And be made of plywood.

My intention is for it to be a space to try out smart ideas for smart homes, and green ideas
for green homes, on a tiny little scale (well, depending on the car bonnet). So I’m looking for
ideas; they can be outrageous or tempered, whatever. What do you think would be a cool
system to have in a smart home, or green home? (I know those two don’t necessarily go
together.) I’d like to have a good few ideas before I start chopping up plywood, as some of
them are likely to affect the layout.

I’ll look at the ideas and give their implementation my best shot in due course. This is also
a sort of test to see whether I have any design or creative (or fabrication, or electrical, or
programming) skills at all, and if I don’t, to get some. For green ideas I’d like to do tests of
the efficiency of the systems as well, once they’re in place.

I’ve already decided that I want it voiced by Paul Bettany, which is going to be a sound-
bite hauling labour of tedious love. Or, you know, if anyone knows Paul personally and he’s
willing to do an Ironman-sized project for free…

Types of systems that I need to give some thought to:
  • Lighting
  • Air-flow
  • Water circulation
  • Water heating
  • Centralised door/window/ventilation/lighting control
  • Paul Bettany sweet-nothing whispering system
  • What else?
So when you wake at 3 in the morning with a random idea which sounds a bit mad (or not)
but might be kinda cool -- @kathrynrosie



  1. Remember to consider aesthetics too. I'm partial to Frank Lloyd Wright's "organic architecture" style but go past Exclusive Books, grab a coffee, and browse through the architecture books and see what grabs you. Function without form is just dreary :)

  2. Not to be confused with the other Frank, who also designed a Guggenheim.

    Which is also very cool:)

    Thank you for the reminder on architecture... I confess to having to be reminded to not be boring.
